Крещение: оформление и красивые идеи для гостей
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Maison Clara Стильные мероприятия и торжества в Италии в Лигурии Тоскане Венеции озеро Комо Крещение: оформление и красивые идеи для гостей

Крещение: оформление и красивые идеи для гостей
Крещение: оформление и кр

In the Italian countryside, in a beautiful venue by the vineyards, a lovely baby christening party took place...

Planning the table setting for the buffet we also focused on guest etiquette: we knew it was going to be very hot, so we decided to greet the guests with lovely handmade paddle fans! The style matches the pale blu & white colour palette (we followed tradition!) and a theme from literature: the amazing book Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Here some tips about these paper fans you can easily DIY:

TIP #1: Make sure the paper is thick enough, so that it can carry the paddle and it can also be easily embossed, if you like this style. I suggest using a 200 gsm paper

TIP #2: Match the colour palette of the event and add a message for your guests... here we really loved this quote from Le Petit Prince!

TIP #3: You can personalise the paddle itself with a tiny extra element, such as the name of the baby (or the initials of bride and groom if you plan a wedding party!), or opt for a special texture like this one: we chose those wooden paddles beautifully carved, a detail that was really appreciated by the guests!

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  • Those are lovely! Good work! :)

      Dawn -  10/07/2014

    • I am glad you like them Dawn! thanks for stopping by

       Maison Clara -  10/07/2014

  • How divine! How refreshing! The perfect gift to welcome your guests.

      Judy -  10/07/2014

    • Thanks for your comment Judy! We love handmade favours and those were really refreshing!

       Maison Clara -  10/07/2014


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