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Maison Clara Студия оформления праздников и декора стола Италия Лигурия Чинкве Терре Портофино Oформление праздничного стола

Oформление праздничного стола
Студия оформления праздников

Think of a party, any kind of party: wedding party, birthday party, tea party, anniversary party, baby shower party, business and corporate party... There is a detail they all have in common: a coffee or a tea is served.

So how about sugar serving? Did you know that you can choose among a huge range of sweeteners? From raw cane sugar, to apple syrup and maple syrup, from stevia sweetener to agave syrup you will find out a whole sweet world!

Welcome your guests with a special table setting focusing also on tiny details such as sugar and sweetener serving. Here some tips for a perfect sweet corner:

Tip #1: Beautiful jars filled with sugar or honey are no doubt very beautiful and they can be personalised to create lovely table setting, however it is often more practical (and more hygienic) opting for single-serve packets. They can as well be arranged in many different creative ways!

Tip #2: For your party sweet corner don´t forget to create themed labels and tags matching the style of the event.

Tip #3: Sugar and sweeteners will provide you many ideas for your guests, see how lovely it is the small plexiglass favour box filled with raw cane sugar cubes (actually in many different geometrical shapes!). Again: match the colour palette of the event and add an extra element, like a sparkling buckle...

One more thing: beyond any aesthetic consideration, the use of organic products is highly recommended!


  • What a fun and creative post of ideas -- I had not thought of - thank you for much for sharing!

      Donna Ward -  13/09/2014

    • I am glad you find it inspiring, thanks for stopping by Donna!

       Maison Clara -  13/09/2014

  • This is so cool Clara! I had never thought about this. Including sweetener serving it´s a good idea.

      Remy -  15/09/2014

    • Thanks Remy, we can all set lovely tablescape designs with just a little bit of creativity!

       Maison Clara -  15/09/2014

  • Single serve jars for sugar and honey, great idea Clara!

      Delia Rusu -  18/09/2014

    • I am glad you like this serving idea. Thanks for stopping by Delia!

       Maison Clara -  18/09/2014


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