Идеи и советы о декоре стола: черно-белый шик #2
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Maison Clara организатор символических свадеб в Италии Идеи и советы о декоре стола: черно-белый шик #2

Идеи и советы о декоре стола: черно-белый шик #2
Tablescape Black & white: utmost elegance!

After spending so much time picking up the ideal colour palette for this formal dinner party, we decided that a classic black and white was perfect... Of course, the hues were mixed to enhance the style of the event and the host´s personal tastes.

The second step of this bespoke tablescape project is dedicated to table name cards.

Here some pics and easy tips you can use for your DIY dinner parties at home:

TIP #1 Play with B&W in layers, the effect is very classy and matches almost any tablecloth texture (however, a plain white / cream white tablecloth is mostly the best choice!)

TIP #2 You can mix geometrical shapes, preferably no more than two. Try to mix round and rectangular or squared and rectangular elements. If the last combination is too rigorous you can "soften" it with beautiful handwritten names. The final allure is lovely!

TIP #3 As for the invitation cards, we added the sparkling touch of the gems, reversing the colour! Check out the invitations we created for this dinner party and see how we played with the hues and gems!


Which is you fav colour combination for a formal dinner party?

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  • Clara If I ever need to make an activity I will definitely go with your ideas. They are so elegant! I just love them.

      Remy -  16/04/2014

    • Thanks dear! And I love your tips on kids education...maybe one day...!

       Maison Clara -  16/04/2014


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