Идеи и советы о декоре стола: черно-белый шик #1
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Maison Clara Свадьба за границей в Италии Лигурия Тоскана Идеи и советы о декоре стола: черно-белый шик #1

Идеи и советы о декоре стола: черно-белый шик #1
Minimal chic: black & white exclusive design

If you are planning a dinner party and you want a stylish touch, black and white palette is the perfect choice: a classic combination, that you can design in many original ways.

Here we share these invitation cards: we chose a tiny card, minimal as all the other elements.

Some tips we used to make the cards really personalised:

Tip #1 Mix a classic print font and your handwriting: it will be a beautiful combination of traditional elegance and minimal chic style

Tip #2 Add a tiny precious element: these gems give that fascinating glimpse that won’t go unnoticed

Tip #3 Mix geometrical forms (no more than two): as you can see for these invitations, we played with round and rectangular elements. This creates an elegant balance, that you can repeat for menu cards or table number cards…

So, the invitations cards have been sent… Next time we’ll see some tips and tricks to welcome the guests to your party table!


Which is your favourite colour combination for a formal dinner (or lunch) party?
Do you like this post? If so, I appreciate your sharing, thank you!

For more table setting ideas keep reading and for a personalised consulting contact us!

Check out HERE the second step of this tablescape: table cards name!



  • Minimalism can separate you from the masses :) A great tip

      Linda - 

    • Exactly! glad you like it Linda!

       Maison Clara

  • I love the idea of mixing your handwriting with a classic font! That is a great idea, and add an embellishment of a tiny jewel and I´d go to that event!

      Dawn - 

    • Just a tiny gem can create a lovely effect. Thanks for commenting!

       Maison Clara

  • I love the idea of mixing circles and squares - and then carrying it through to the day of the event. Great tips!

      Lisa - 

    • thanks Lisa, I am glad you like it!

       Maison Clara


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