Best tips to create a country-chic table setting #2
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Maison Clara Свадьбы и мероприятия в Италии Тоскана Best tips to create a country-chic table setting #2

Best tips to create a country-chic table setting #2

Do you want to create a great Country-chic style table setting?

Find here the tips you are looking for... Fast and elegant hints!

In the #1 tip we created perfect country-chic table cards name, to welcome the guests from England, France and Italy.

Now the second step is the theme of your event.

In a wonderful countryside you enjoy good company, excellent food, pleasant music and... literature!

The beauty of nature blends with the words of famous writers and poets, so why don´t you create a poetic table setting?

Here you find some suggestions...


Choose some of your favourite quotations and create the matching table numbers. Remember that this is a country-chic event, so be minimal: green frames will perfectly work!

We are in Italy so we chose quotations from Italian poets, such as Giorgio Caproni and Dino Campana, who celebrated the wonders of Liguria and its best locations.

But we wanted to create an international poetry session for our international guests, so... we invited to the party the immortal masters Percy B. Shelley and Lord Byron! They paid extraordinary tributes to Italy, celebrating wild nature...







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