Best tips to create a country-chic table setting#1
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Maison Clara Events design in Italy Portofino Venice Tuscany Russia San Petersburg Moscow Best tips to create a country-chic table setting#1

Best tips to create a country-chic table setting#1

Do you want to create a great Country-chic style table setting?

Find here the tips you are looking for... Fast and elegant hints!

Who loves Italian food? Who likes relaxing sipping an Italian wine?

Best wedding locations in Tuscany

I love my country: wherever you are, it offers you beauty and wonders! Not far from the stunning and famous views of Portofino and Camogli there is a whole world to visit, whether you like the riviera villas, or prefer the peaceful countryside.

This is a wonderful view in Tuscany...




Then there was music and wonderful roses... I could listen Sir Paul McCartney singing this song hundreds of times, and it could be the perfect soundtrack for this event!

So, with a romantic soul, among the flowers and the trees, we created a country chic table setting for this party.

Let´s start from the table cards name ...


High quality paper is essential in order to have elegant table cards name, perfectly standing on your country-chic table.

You can opt for a white paper, which is "the shade for all seasons", matching almost any colour theme you are going to choose. A light yellow and sage green palette reminds of the bright colours of nature and will bring happy accents to your table.


If you have many guests from different countries, such as France, Germany, Denmark etc., you will have to write some names with particular vowels and consonant, so make sure to choose a font which perfectly works for any kind of accents and marks.





Welcome your guests with elegant accents: add a satin decoration, like this one: it will perfectly match the relaxing lawn and the green sorroundings of your country event!

If you have more time, add a floral element, it should be tiny and simple: it must not interfere with the rest of the table setting and, above all, it must not interfere with the dishes!

Baby´s breath would be perfect...




Do not underestimate details!

We dedicate time and energy to custom made table cards name, because people often want to bring them home as a joyful memory of the day and keep them as bookmarks!


Would you like a personalized consulting for your event? Contact me &







  • Love the elegance and ease of these place cards. Especially the tip about using babysbreath so the flowers don´t overpower the food! Great post!

      Lisa - 

  • These are such great tips, Clara! I particularly like the one about the font on the cards, haven´t really think about it before :)

      Delia @ Blog Formatting - 


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