Tea party tablescape: 3 tips you should know for your events at home
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Maison Clara - Table setting designer wedding planner Italy Liguria Tuscany Tea party tablescape: 3 tips you should know for your events at home

Tea party tablescape: 3 tips you should know for your events at home
Tea party table setting ideas

Five o´clock: it´s tea time!

If you are planning a joyful tea party just for girls in the mood for a nice chat or if you are thinking about a more formal event to celebrate your wedding anniversary or your birthday at home, here some tips for a lovely table setting that won´t break the bank!

TIP#1 Play with the porcelain, mix colours and decorations! A tea party with 10 guests? You don´t need to buy a brand new 12 piece tea set. Why don´t you mix those services that you already have? You can combine different floral decorations and spring will bloom on your table party!

TIP#2 Pick up a plain tablecloth, white or cream white for a classy tea party, or opt for other hues for informal events. A pale green tablecloth would be lovely right now in spring: just imagine your floral tea set on a gentle green tablecloth: a romantic blooming meadow...


TIP#3 Sweet sweet colours: create a lovely palette matching the tea set and the sweet treats you will serve your guests. Matching shades and hues is one of the best ways to create a gorgeous tablescape. This hint will also help you to avoid waste of money when you plan the tea party buffet...

These are the very basic tips and hints for your tea parties at home.

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I vostri commenti

  • I love that porcelain Clara, from your tip#1 I can picture a table laid with different floral cups to match the personalities of all the different guests

      Lorelle -  17/04/2014

    • You read my mind Lorelle!! Every personal touch can make a party really unique!

       Maison Clara -  17/04/2014

  • Beautiful photo and post, Clara

      Julie -  18/04/2014

    • Thank you dear Julie!

       Maison Clara -  18/04/2014

  • That china cup and the cookie look so yummy and stylish! As always they look amazing, Clara!

      Delia @ Blog Formatting -  20/04/2014

    • Thanks Delia, it would be great to plan a lovely tea party with all of you!

       Maison Clara -  20/04/2014

  • I went to Poland this weekend and I can´t wait to use my new set of dining, and play with the decoration. I love this picture Clara

      Remy -  23/04/2014

    • I am glad you like it Remy, I have a real passion for dining set!!

       Maison Clara -  23/04/2014

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